CSS Syntax :
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML.
The CSS syntax consists of a set of rules, where each rule contains one or more selectors, a declaration block, and optionally a list of additional selectors known as pseudo-elements.
Here's an example of CSS syntax:
: Specifies the element(s) to which the rule should be applied. It can be an element name, class, id, or attribute.property
: Defines the CSS property to be applied.value
: Specifies the value of the property.
CSS rules can also include pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. Here's an example:
selector:pseudo-class {
property: value;
: The selector with a pseudo-class is used to select and style a specific part of an element. For example,a:hover
selects an<a>
element when the user hovers over it.
In addition to pseudo-classes, CSS rules can also include descendant selectors. Here's an example:
css1selector1 selector2 { 2 property: value; 3}
selector1 selector2
: This combination of selectors selects an element that is a descendant of another element. For example,div p
selects all<p>
elements that are descendants of a<div>
It's important to note that the order of CSS rules can matter. The browser reads the CSS from top to bottom, so the last rule will take precedence over the previous ones if there are conflicting rules. This concept is known as "Cascading."
Labels: CSS